
Monday, December 31, 2012

About Me

I am a beautiful Puggle from South Dakota. I got on a plane ride 8 weeks after my birthday and it changed my life FOREVER! I'm a southern girl at heart just like my momma. I love people more than other dogs mainly because I think I am a person trapped inside of a dog's body. I am a little obsessed with licking and chewing but I am working really hard on my issues and hope to overcome them one day. When I don\'t get my way I either whine or bark and it usually solves the problem. I have two major goals in life. #1 is to eventually spend every night sleeping in the bed with my momma and daddy. I try really hard at this one but I just can't seem to be still or quite for very long. #2 is to be able to stuff the entire blue blanket into my mouth...i usually get busted as soon as I get started.

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